In addition to making friends through phone number, search by area, chat rooms or "search around here", Zalo also developed a feature that allows users to create their own unique and unique QR code on the application.
Login ZALO on PC, users can easy to connect their account on PC without using any complicate activation code. One step to use full features on your PC with ZALO QR code.
Making new friends by using QR code instead of asking for a phone number, users can create their own QR codes, upload to their social pages and the others can make friends with them easily.
Login ZALO on PC, users can easy to connect their account on PC without using any complicate activation code. One step to use full features on your PC with ZALO QR code.
Making new friends by using QR code instead of asking for a phone number, users can create their own QR codes, upload to their social pages and the others can make friends with them easily.
Or, users can actively find out, using their device to scan other people's QR codes to send friend invitations. In this way, people who do not want to be bothered, want to hide his phone number can be assured, can still make friends that they still can not see his number.
➽ If you do not have QR code scanning software, you can refer to: RedLaser for iOS, BarcodeViet, or Redlaser for Android ...
This QR code can be used on Zalo or shared on any social networking site such as Facebook, Twitter ... Or can be saved on the phone as a normal photo.
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